Greetings, I’m Daniel Lyle. I’m a pastor living and serving in New England.
I live in the beautiful Lakes Region of New Hampshire with my wife, Susan, and my children, Malia and Eleck. I am a pastor, musician, and teacher (I like to think of myself as a bard). I am currently in my fourteenth year of pastoral ministry at Living Hope Lakeport, Laconia. I serve as the associate pastor with a ministerial focus on worship and executive leadership. I hold degrees from Clarks Summit University (B.S. In Bible), 10,000 Fathers Worship School (Certificate), and Northern Seminary (M.A. in Worship).
I am an articulate and engaging communicator with a passion for sharing God’s Word with a pastoral heart. I excel in conceiving, leading, and completing missional initiatives focused on advancing God’s kingdom within and through his church. I am a proven team builder who is passionate about making a transformative impact on the people and communities I lead.
Eternal Reign, Present Praise
Psalms 146
A Sermon About Sin Is A Sermon About Love
James 1:11-18
A Penny Is A Treasure
Luke 15:1-2; 8-10
Resurrection Life: Part 1
Romans 11:1-11
Savoring Proverbs